Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator


New York, NY, US

Average of $ 25,000 funding


20 startups funded

6 exits

$ 0 in total exits

$ 81,452,136 in total funding raised

State Company Name Website & Crunchbase links Cohort Date Exit Value Funding
BespokePost http://bespokepost.com
6/2011 $ 8,875,000
WebThriftStore http://www.webthriftstore.com
6/2011 $ 25,000
LocalBonus http://localbonus.com
1/2012 $ 1,025,000
numberFire http://numberfire.com
6/2011 $ 775,000
AppyCouple http://www.appycouple.com
1/2012 $ 2,725,000
PublicStuff http://publicstuff.com
6/2011 $ 6,552,136
buzztable http://www.buzztable.com
6/2011 $ 27,175,000
SiteSimon http://sitesimon.com
6/2011 $ 25,000
Stylyt http://www.stylyt.com
Wizpert http://www.wizpert.com
1/2012 $ 25,000
Centzy http://centzy.com
6/2011 $ 6,725,000
Stray Boots https://www.strayboots.com/
1/2012 $ 2,225,000
Let'sWombat http://www.letswombat.com
1/2012 $ 25,000
Tapfame http://tapfame.com
1/2012 $ 25,000
Dibsie http://dibsie.com
1/2012 $ 450,000
Pictorious! http://www.pictorious.com
1/2012 $ 25,000
LetGive http://www.letgive.com
ParkingPanda http://www.parkingpanda.com
6/2011 $ 4,725,000
TripleLift http://www.triplelift.com
1/2012 $ 18,725,000
PricingEngine http://www.pricingengine.com
6/2011 $ 1,325,000


  1. Exit values are estimates only. Confidence is indicated by H/M/L colors.
  2. Values for funding and number of employees come from Crunchbase

Contact Jed if you have updated information for Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator

Created: 08-May-2012, 22:48

Last modified: 08-Oct-2024, 06:00