Seed-DB began in the summer of 2009. Jed was writing an MBA thesis at the University of Cambridge on seed accelerators. It was titled "Copying Y Combinator: A framework for developing Seed Accelerator programs". In order to properly analyze seed accelerators, he built a comprehensive list of all known accelerators at the time, as well as all of the companies that had gone through those programs.

For many years, this data was shared through a variety of Google Spreadsheets. In the spring of 2012, Jed began to clean it up, put it in a more easily digestible format, and integrate it with live data (in particular, Crunchbase). The result is Seed-DB.

Jed Christiansen

Jed Christiansen created Seed-DB. Based in the San Francisco/Bay area, Jed currently works for Techstars as a Product Manager and Director of Technology. Prior to that, he was at Google in London for 5 years. He has designed, built and raced solar-powered cars across Australia and the US. Jed spent six years in the US Navy, and three years as a submarine officer on the USS Hartford. Yes, he was put in charge of a nuclear reactor at the age of 23. (If you're lucky you won't have to hear his sea stories.)

Jed has degrees from the University of Cambridge, the London School of Economics, and the University of Michigan.

You can find Jed on Twitter and LinkedIn.