Excelerate Labs

Established: 2010

Chicago, IL, US

Average of $ 25,000 funding for 6.0% equity = Avg Valuation of $ 416,667


30 startups funded

10 exits

$ 19,500,000 in total exits

$ 171,207,664 in total funding raised

State Company Name Website & Crunchbase links Cohort Date Exit Value Funding
Food Genius http://getfoodgenius.com
6/2011 $ 2,275,000
IntroFly http://introfly.com
6/2011 $ 75,000
PVPower http://www.PVPower.com
6/2010 $ 21,009,000
BabbaCo http://www.babbaco.com
6/2011 $ 4,525,000
Noblivity http://www.noblivity.com
6/2010 $ 15,000
Fango http://www.thefango.com
6/2010 $ 2,000,000 L $ 1,052,870
WeGather http://www.wegather.com
6/2010 $ 15,000
FeeFighters http://feefighters.com
6/2010 $ 8,000,000 L $ 1,835,000
MathZee http://mathzee.com
6/2010 $ 500,000 L $ 15,000
BuzzReferrals http://www.buzzdigital.com
6/2011 $ 1,335,000
Exchangery http://theexchangery.com
6/2011 $ 3,000,000 L $ 75,000
Shortlist http://getshortlist.com
6/2011 $ 310,000
Goshi http://www.goshi.me
6/2011 $ 75,000
Joystickers http://joystickers.com
6/2011 $ 25,000
Edulender http://www.alltuition.com
6/2010 $ 4,015,000
Power2Switch http://www.power2switch.com
6/2011 $ 1,575,000
Tap.Me http://www.tap.me
6/2010 $ 6,000,000 L $ 5,038,868
GiveForward http://www.giveforward.com
6/2010 $ 2,515,000
ScholarPro http://www.scholarpro.com
6/2010 $ 1,065,000
CookItFor.Us https://makeitfor.us/
6/2011 $ 75,000
Orbeus http://orbeus.com/
6/2012 $ 1,966,387
frintit http://www.frintit.at
6/2012 $ 75,000
71lbs http://71lbs.com
6/2012 $ 2,450,000
WhimseyBox http://www.whimseybox.com
6/2012 $ 75,000
Cureeo http://www.cureeo.com
6/2012 $ 75,000
Lasso http://www.lassocountry.com
6/2012 $ 75,000
Fibroblast http://www.myfibroblast.com
Moxie Jean http://www.moxiejean.com
6/2012 $ 1,885,539
Pictarine http://www.pictarine.com
6/2012 $ 75,000
SpotHero http://www.spothero.com
6/2012 $ 117,610,000


  1. Exit values are estimates only. Confidence is indicated by H/M/L colors.
  2. Values for funding and number of employees come from Crunchbase

Contact Jed if you have updated information for Excelerate Labs

Created: 08-May-2012, 22:48

Last modified: 10-Feb-2025, 06:00