Imagine K12

Established: 2011

Silicon Valley, CA, US

Average of $ 17,000 funding for 6.0% equity = Avg Valuation of $ 283,333

Focus: Education


76 startups funded

12 exits

$ 5,000,000 in total exits

$ 393,663,058 in total funding raised

Name Location Cohort Date # Co's Exit Value Funding Total
S2011 , 6/2011 8 $ 140,950,000
W2012 , 1/2012 9 $ 5,000,000 $ 19,416,837
S2012 , 6/2012 10 $ 82,728,048
W2013 , 1/2013 9 $ 29,718,471
F2013 , 6/2013 13 $ 53,720,856
F2014 , 10/2014 17 $ 32,380,231
F2015 , 7/2015 10 $ 34,748,615

Contact Jed if you have updated information for Imagine K12

Created: 08-May-2012, 22:48

Last modified: 28-Mar-2025, 06:00