The Alchemist Accelerator

Established: 2012

Silicon Valley, CA, US

Average of $ 36,000 funding for 5.0% equity = Avg Valuation of $ 720,000

Funding notes:

Equity required: negotiable

Focus: Enterprise startups


359 startups funded

31 exits

$ 0 in total exits

$ 1,481,320,386 in total funding raised

Administered by: Danielle D'Agostaro

Name Location Cohort Date # Co's Exit Value Funding Total
Class I Silicon Valley, CA, US 7/2012 9 $ 27,109,323
Class II Silicon Valley, CA, US 1/2013 8 $ 82,282,318
Class III Silicon Valley, CA, US 3/2013 8 $ 28,641,992
Class IV Silicon Valley, CA, US 7/2013 9 $ 49,980,213
Class V Silicon Valley, CA, US 10/2013 12 $ 40,508,000
Class VI Silicon Valley, CA, US 3/2014 11 $ 67,937,608
Class VII Silicon Valley, CA, US 4/2014 11 $ 30,425,999
Class VIII Silicon Valley, CA, US 8/2014 13 $ 287,243,928
Class IX Silicon Valley, CA, US 10/2014 11 $ 36,585,259
Class X Silicon Valley, CA, US 4/2015 13 $ 338,427,690
Class XI Silicon Valley, CA, US 8/2015 14
Class XII Silicon Valley, CA, US 11/2015 17 $ 153,598,788
Class XIII Silicon Valley, CA, US 4/2016 12 $ 28,776,748
Class XIV Silicon Valley, CA, US 8/2016 18 $ 79,852,562
Class XV Silicon Valley, CA, US 12/2016 19 $ 73,960,615
Class XVI Silicon Valley, CA, US, United States 4/2017 18 $ 24,924,604
Class XVII Silicon Valley, CA 8/2017 23 $ 10,615,680
Class XVIII Silicon Valley, 01 12/2017 16 $ 15,145,000
Class XIX Silicon Valley, CA, US 4/2018 20 $ 54,589,985
Class XX Silicon Valley, CA 8/2018 19 $ 19,491,820
Class XXI Silicon Valley, CA, US 11/2018 20 $ 1,628,580
Class XXII Silicon Valley, CA, US 4/2019 22 $ 8,062,343
Class XXIII Silicon Valley, CA, US 8/2019 21 $ 17,366,331
Class XXIV Silicon Valley, CA 12/2019 15 $ 4,165,000

Contact Jed if you have updated information for The Alchemist Accelerator

Created: 09-May-2012, 22:08

Last modified: 28-Mar-2025, 06:00